Cocktail Cherries

The best cocktail cherries are the ones you make at home.

This is the recipe we follow - use frsh ripe cherries, crush the spices in a pestle and mortar and store in a sterilised kilner jar.

The liquid also makes for a delightful cherry liqueur once the cherries are finished.

Amaretto Cherries

250g cherries
60g soft demerara sugar
60ml water 
pinch nutmeg
1/4 scored vanilla pod
120ml amaretto 

Wash and pit the cherries. Combine all ingredients (except cherries and amaretto) in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
Reduce heat immediately, add the cherries and simmer for five minutes. Remove from the heat, add the amaretto and cool immediately (an ice bath is useful for this).
Once cooled, sieve the cherries from the liquid and filter through coffee paper. When sediment has been extracted combine liquid with cherries in a sterile jar and keep refigerated.
Should keep for a couple of months.

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Let us make the cherries, and then the drinks...

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